

Escarole is a leafy green with curly leaves and a bitter flavor. Part of the chicory family, it’s also known as broad-leaved endive, Bavarian endive, Batavian Endive, and scarole.

The darker outer leaves tend to be more bitter than the tender, lighter inner leaves.

Storage: Wrap endive in a damp paper towel and store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for a week.

Preparation: The darker, outer leaves are ideal for cooking and can be sauteed or braised as you would collard greens. They are often used in Italian dishes such as pasta e fagiole. The inner, more delicate leaves are delicious in a salad, especially when paired with strong flavors such as blue cheese or goat cheese, dried fruits, and nuts.

Taste: The dark outer leaves can be bitter while the inner leaves are milder and sweeter.

Nutritional Benefits: Escarole is rich in fiber, copper, and folate.