Deep Purple Scallion


Allium cepa

Deep Purple Scallions are a vivid, deep reddish purple scallion with the same flavors and growability of standard bunching onions.

Storage: Remove the rubber band, stand the scallions in a jar, cover the whole thing with a plastic bag, and keep it in the fridge. Stored this way, the scallions stay crisp for about a week.

Preparation: Wash just before using and trim the roots. Peel off the outside layer of skin, if you’d like.

Taste: Scallions and green onions are very immature onions with much milder flavor. Their green tops can be substituted for chives.

Nutritional Benefits: Onions are a rich source of phytochemicals that may promote healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Green onions and scallions are more nutritious than other types; their green tops have higher amounts of vitamin C, folate, calcium and beta-carotene than regular onions.
