2021 CSA Farm Update: Week 7

Welcome everyone to week 7 of the Katchkie Farm CSA. Those heat loving summer vegetables are just starting to show up in your bags. The eggplants have arrived in abundance, tomatoes and peppers are just around the corner!

The rains have slowed and the farm is slowly drying out. Some of our fields have allowed us to work in them and others still need a few more days of sunshine. All in all there are some losses because of the soggy weather and or the inability to get into the fields for timely cultivation, but overall the crops seem to be ok. All this will add to the terroir of the produce in your CSA bags. Yes, even a field grown lettuce can exhibit the delicate nuances of the season.

After weeks of waiting to get back in the fields and try to get the planting schedule back on track, I was met with a flat tractor tire after a few passes around the garden. My four-year-old son asked the question “why.” Well, I could have could gone into the physical properties of dry rot met with soil and rocks, but this only leads to a longer chain of “why.” In short, I told him I needed more practice with the quality of patience. This seemed to satisfy the “why” and I could go on to fixing the problem. A flat tractor tire is not something AAA shows up for to fix and I am back in the fields. The tires on this tractor are about 6’ tall, filled with calcium carbonate and weigh about 400 lbs each. After one phone call to find out the tire repairman has retired, another phone call to find out the mobile repair mechanic put in his two week notice two weeks ago and the final phone call to schedule an a repair on Monday, I have plenty of opportunity to practice patience. This event, however, does not add to the terroir.

Until next time,
Farmer Jon