2022 CSA Farm Update: Week 8

This week brings in our first week of August, which is a very exciting month on the farm. Those long-awaited fruits have begun to ripen, and we can truly savor all of the work put into them. This will be the first week of our much-anticipated field tomatoes. The crows have been snacking on them by the dozens the past couple of weeks, and they have given their approval!

As a farmer in August, there is not much free time to go stroll through a gallery and feed the soul with art; but as a farmer I am surrounded by the skies and colors of August. When I was a child, fall was the most colorful time of the year in my eyes, but I have grown to revere the colors that August brings. The most prominent colors I can think of are golden rod and purple loosestrife against the ever-changing skies.

There was one day last week when a weather report called for 100% chance of thunderstorms. As one whose work is determined by the weather, I have grown to take this with a grain or two of salt, so I planned to do field work until the rain came. The purple hues of the plants became somewhat muted as the skies darkened overhead. About five miles to the northwest of the farm, lighting started to flash and the winds picked up, but there was still a glimmer of light coming down through the clouds. The winds really started picking up and I could see rain in the distance, but the cloud cover never seemed to be right overhead. All of a sudden, it started to rain, but in very large, dispersed droplets, which I first took as hail, but momentarily realized was actually rain. Moments later, the winds calmed, the rain stopped, and the skies turned blue, scattered with large puffs of white clouds. The evening sun then turned the whole farm aglow in greens, yellows, and purples. That was a good time to call it a day.

Until next time,
Farmer Jon


*We try our best to provide the most accurate CSA list in the newsletter! However, there’s always a chance of last minute substitutions in some bags if we don’t harvest enough of a vegetable.


Last week we visited Chef Pat at Trinity Cafe where she treated us to her delicious ratatouille. It was even more delicious than it was beautiful! This summertime staple makes great use of the abundance of zucchini, eggplant, and tomatoes we get at the farm. Check out Chef Georgette Farkas' ratatouille recipe here.

Looking for more inspiration? Check out these recipes below.

  • Our Eggplant and String Bean Stir-Fry makes delicious use of your eggplant, green beans, and onions! Delicious as a side or add some tofu and serve with rice for a complete meal.

  • Enjoy the beauty of the purple carrots in this Moroccan Purple Carrot Hummus

  • One of our favorite recipes is Liz's Vegetable Lasagna! You can add almost any vegetables to it and it's always delicious.

  • Chef Mike Deuel shared a recipe for his Tomato Curtido, a perfect way to enjoy both the onions and tomatoes!

  • Looking for a cool recipe perfect for hot weather? Check out this delicious recipe from GP Embrace for Gazpacho.


Share your recipes and dishes with us via email or on Instagram! Make sure to tag @katchkiefarm and use the hashtag #KatchkieFarmCSA - we can't wait to see and share what you've made!